
Justin Huang

Justin Huang is a registered Physiotherapist with over 5 years of experience in sports and general musculoskeletal injuries.
  • (647) 333 4135
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Justin Huang

Registered Physiotherapist

Justin Huang is a registered Physiotherapist with over 5 years of experience in sports and general musculoskeletal injuries. Justin obtained his Master of Science in Physical Therapy at the University of Toronto. Justin has completed numerous professional development courses in neurofunctional acupuncture, manual therapy and more.

Justin believes a thorough and comprehensive assessment is key to getting his clients back to optimal performance and function. Justin has a passion working with his clients one on one to empower and to equip his clients with the right tools for their rehab. Justin has a strong focus on manual therapy and corrective exercises to reach his clients’ goals.

In his free time, Justin enjoys staying active through running, weight training and basketball.