
What is spondylolisthesis?

    Spondylolisthesis is a condition where a vertebral bone slides forward over the bone below it. Spondylolisthesis commonly occurs from a small joint disturbance, altering the way the bones in the back line up. This condition can occur in individuals of all ages. Children and teenagers may suffer from spondylolisthesis who engage in activities that may stress the bones in the backs and adults may develop the condition from the natural wearing and tearing of the bones. 

    Spondylolisthesis commonly occurs in the lower back area. As a result spondylolisthesis can cause the pinching of nerve roots or spinal cords getting pinched, resulting in back pain.

What are the symptoms of spondylolisthesis?

Symptoms of spondylolisthesis may include:


  • Back, leg or buttock pain that intensifies while bending
  • Numbness/weakness in the legs
  • Loss of control over bladder or bowels 
  • Pain radiating from the lower back down the leg
  • Difficulty in walking


How is spondylolisthesis treated?

Treatments of spondylolisthesis may include:


  • ART and IASTM
  • Manual therapy
  • Rehabilitation exercises
  • Acupuncture & dry needling for pain
  • Ultrasound
  • Laser Therapy
  • Interferential Current
  • TENS
  • Chiropractic & Massage therapy