Achilles Tendonitis

What is Achilles Tendonitis?

Achilles tendonitis is the inflammation of the achilles tendon. This tendon is located on the back side of the foot, around ankle level. The inflammation is not often due to one specific event, but rather due to general wear and tear. It is common among joggers and jumpers who often engage in running, jumping, and sprinting. 

What causes Achilles Tendonitis?

  • Overall wear and tear of tendon over time 
  • Partaking in repeated activities which involve running, jumping, and sprinting
  • Lower calf muscle / extremity weakness

What does Achilles Tendonitis feel like?

  • Stiffness, pain, and strength loss near the back of the ankle 
  • Discomfort and symptoms above worsening at night 
  • Overall increase in pain during the usage of the achilles tendon 
  • Tenderness, redness, and warmth on the heel
  • A ‘crunchy’ sound upon the usage of the tendon 

How can Achilles Tendonitis be managed?

  • Treatment

    • Physiotherapy 
    • Reduced physical activity that are aggravating the condition
    • Pain & anti-inflammatory medication
    • Joint mobilization
    • Massage Therapy
    • Acupuncture
    • Osteotherapy
    • Orthotics to address foot/ankle biomechanics