Massage Therapy

Jessica He

My name is Jessica, I am a Registered Massage Therapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario. I have worked in different clinics, these work experience have given me the ability and knowledge to work with various clients to address their treatment goals.
  • (647) 333 4135
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Registered Massage Therapist

My name is Jessica, I am a Registered Massage Therapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario. I have worked in different clinics, these work experience have given me the ability and knowledge to work with various clients to address their treatment goals. I mainly use the Swedish technique, deep tissues massage, relaxation, trigger points therapy, and fascial techniques. These styles focus on reducing pain by blocking the pain gates. They are known to reduce discomforts like tension headaches, frozen shoulder and chronic stiffness of the lower back. They also loosen and relaxes tight muscles, relieves stress and calms down the mind.

I hope to use massage therapy to support each patient health care plan and to provide quality care for all patients.