
Naturopathic medicine is a form of integrative medicine that focuses on gaining an understanding of a person’s full health picture and treating the root cause through natural means. Naturopathic medicine is rooted in holistic approaches to care, evidence based medicine, and alternative/natural treatment options.

Naturopathic training covers a wide range of medical conditions as well as strategies to optimise wellness. Some of the most common concerns treated are stress, digestive concerns, anxiety, depression, sleep struggles, irregular or painful periods, fertility, weight loss, pain, thyroid concerns, hypertension, and high cholesterol.Treatment may include any of the following:

  • Lifestyle and Nutritional counselling
  • Herb and Supplement recommendations
  • Exercise prescription
  • Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Cupping
  • Hydrotherapy recommendations
  • Naturopathic Adjustments
  • Massage

What can I expect for my first treatment?

Initial appointments are 60-90 mins in duration where a full health history is taken covering main concerns as well as other foundational aspects of your health. Physical exams may also be done and blood tests may be recommended to provide additional information. An understanding of your full health picture is key in order to prescribe an individualised treatment plan. These appointments often include passive modalities done during the appointment such as cupping, acupuncture, and adjustments as well as recommendations to take home with you.

What can I expect for follow-ups?

Follow-up appointments are normally 30-60 minutes and build on the initial changes that were made as well as continue with any physical treatments. The number of appointments needed to treat your condition depends on the severity of the condition as well as treatment compliance but, the ultimate goal is to form lifelong healthy habits that you can maintain for long-term health and wellness.

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As a general practitioner, emphasizing the most fundamental aspects in relation to your health condition(s) is priority. If you need any help in understanding and integrating evidence-based practices, taking the time to discuss together is worthwhile.

Depending on your health condition(s), helping you to identify and address issues in the foundations of health is essential. Other natural treatments can be incorporated into your healthcare based upon the evidence base and your clinical situation.

Naturopathic Medicine encompasses all aspects of the patient including their physical, emotional, and mental well being.

As a general practitioner, concentrating on the fundamentals of health is the most important with added assistance from evidence-based natural treatments. Other healthcare services may need to be incorporated to help address all of these areas.

As a general practitioner, services include: dietary and lifestyle counselling, nutritional and herbal supplementation, acupuncture with suctioned cupping, and laboratory testing.

Most extended healthcare insurance plans will cover naturopathic visits.

From my experience, young to middle aged and even older adults are the most common individuals. As a general practitioner, there are no particular services for specific populations.

Information related to your general health and your health condition(s) will be reviewed and documented into your clinical chart. Diagnoses and treatment considerations will then be researched and discussed in the follow-up visit.

Consider digestive health and skin concerns. Discuss with patients in the visit.

Virtual care is the online delivery of healthcare and some health condition(s) can be addressed remotely. As a general practitioner, services available online include dietary and lifestyle counselling, nutritional and herbal recommendations, and laboratory testing. In addition, virtual care uses an online secure platform and all the information is kept confidential.

Conditions commonly seen include skin concerns, anxiety and depression, female health concerns, muscle and joint problems, and gastrointestinal issues.