Patellar Tendonitis
What is Patellar Tendonitis?
Patellar Tendonitis, or Jumper’s Knee, is commonly caused by the overuse or injury of the patellar tendon. The patellar tendon works with the muscles at the front of your thigh to extend your knee so that you can kick, run and jump. Overstressing of the patellar tendon may damage the integrity and strength of the tendon. With age, patellar tendonitis is caused by the gradual degeneration of the joints, bones, and muscles. This injury is commonly observed in athletes who frequently jump, such as basketball players and volleyball players.
What causes Patellar Tendonitis?
Causes of Patellar Tendonitis:
- Overuse or constant strain on the tendon leading to gradual degradation
- Injury to the tendon
- Severe knee pain and difficulty in movement
What does Patellar Tendonitis feel like?
Symptoms of Patellar Tendonitis:
- Knee pain
- Aggravated pain during landing, jumping, and prolonged sitting
- Tenderness of the patella tendon
- Stiffness of the patella tendon in the morning
- Thickening and swelling of the affected side
How can Patellar Tendonitis be managed?
Treatments for Patellar Tendonitis:
- Joint mobilization
- Massage therapy and soft tissue release
- Stretching
- Patellar tendon strap
- Physiotherapy
- Osteopathy
- Acupuncture
- Chiropractic