What is Long COVID?

After having Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19), many people will start to feel better in a few weeks. Unfortunately, some people take a lot longer to get better. Having ongoing or new symptoms after COVID-19 infection is now widely recognised. These symptoms can change, come and go, or fluctuate over time.

Preliminary research shows that 1 in 10 people suffering from COVID-19 can develop Long COVID where symptoms can last up to 12 weeks or more. These symptoms may impact everyday functioning.

Safe and effective rehabilitation is a fundamental part of recovery for such patients. The post COVID-19 rehabilitation program is developed for individuals who had contracted the virus and continue to feel the physical and mental effects of this critical illness.

This program is NOT intended for patients having active COVID-19 infection and are symptomatic.


What are the symptoms of Long COVID?

  • FatigueExhaustion
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Cognitive dysfunction brain fog
  • Shortness of breath
  • Headache
  • Dizziness upon standing
  • Palpitations
  • Chest pressure
  • Other lasting symptoms


What can I expect at my initial appointment?

After contacting our clinic for an appointment, our registered physiotherapist will conduct a FREE phone interview to ensure you are a good candidate for the program.

At the initial assessment, the clinician will discuss a full medical history and will perform a physical assessment along with battery of tests. These tests may measure your physical endurance, breathing pattern, current functional abilities, musculo skeletal strength, and or balance.

The physiotherapist then plans your treatment program, in conjunction with other team members will formulate a comprehensive plan that suits your needs.

Comprehensive Team

  • Physical Therapist
  • Pyschologist
  • Massage Therapist
  • Chiropractor
  • Osteopath
  • Dietitian


Your treatment plan may include a combination of approaches such as physical exercise, manual therapy, vestibular therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, education and more.

The program is designed for 6-12 weeks and aims to educate our patients to be able to continue their program with minimal need to attend in-clinic sessions.

The entire program will be supervised by a physiotherapist who has extensive experience in treating chronic conditions. Other members of our multidisciplinary team may be involved depending on the extent of symptoms.

According to your needs, we can arrange for a mix of in-clinic, in-home or virtual appointments.